Rural Philanthropy
Rural Health Information Hub has some good insights in its new report, Challenges Rural Organizations May Face in Seeking Philanthropy Support.
Funder Affinity Groups
Funder affinity groups are ongoing open-facing collaborations of grantmakers interested in a specific area of grantmaking (health, environment, K-12 education, for example). Inside Philanthropy explains Affinity Groups:
A group or network of funders that come together around a shared interest.
Circles where funders can interact, and often collaborate, to maximize impact.
There is a funder affinity group for about every community or issue imaginable.
Most affinity groups are hosted by a larger organization, such as the Minnesota Council of Foundations. We thought we would jump on the wagon and provide a couple links for affinity groups sponsored by the national Council of Foundations and Minnesota Council of Foundations:
The National Council of Foundations affinity groups
Minnesota Council of Foundations affinity groups
Implications for Grantseekers:
- As a prospecting resource, lists of affinity group foundation members are a good way to find out which funders are interested in K-12 funding or homelessness.
- Also as a prospecting tool, sometimes affinity groups will list the names of program officers who represent the foundation at the affinity group table. Good to know which program officers are serious about health issues.
- Often affinity groups will talk about upcoming conferences or webinars. It’s good to know what issues are in the forefront of climate change funders and what kind of language and terms funders are using.