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Access Philanthropy consultants are experienced at providing an array of fundraising and organizational development services.

We can help your nonprofit
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Best practices in philanthropy, fundraising and nonprofit leadership
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Reach your ideal funders
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Trends and resources to advance your mission
Highlighted posts from Access Philanthropy
Materials Available from Past Workshops
Materials from these past workshop are available:
MN Arts & Culture:The Book of the top 150+ resident and non-resident Arts, Culture, and Humanities grantmakers who award grants in Minnesota; a closer look at 60 MN Arts funders; workshop recording, and a copy of the Q&A.
Unlocking the 990 and Other Prospecting Tools & Directories: A toolkit with a prospecting template and sample LOI, and a list of online research tools and resources to streamline your fundraising efforts
FREE information on grant makers
Is this one in your prospecting tool box?
Cause IQ has a load of FREE information on grant makers.
What Gets Funded, Who Gets to Decide, and Vehicles Used for Funding
Arabella Advisors on 2024 Philanthropy: What, Who, and How | Trista Harris’s Philanthropy Predictions | Here’s what The Chronicle of Philanthropy says we’ll see in the coming year.
Calculating the Real Costs of Fundraising Events
In a Linkedin post, Jim Langley, President at Langley Innovations, asks: Are you counting everything spent to put on your event? Staging costs, staff costs, morale costs and more.