Our three-hour Virtual Event in June, with Access Philanthropy president Steve Paprocki, was a great success. Nearly every one of our 137 attendees stayed logged on until the very end! (reviews below).
Next best thing? Access to the materials provided for the workshop for $50.
Materials include:
- The Powerpoint presentation with Steve’s look at 50 funders (See a sample slide below).
- A complementary pdf book of 100 funder profiles
Steve delivered information and insight on 50 Small Family Foundations (giving less than $1M, annually) that fund in MN: What they are funding. What they want from you, and how to approach them – first steps, strategies, and building relationships.
What This Year’s Workshop Attendees Had to Say:
“Very useful information I haven’t seen presented anywhere else, plus excellent resources provided.”
“The presentation, access to the slides, the directory and access to the database are all invaluable.”
“Excellent, and very informative content.”
“Relevant information about small family foundations.”
“Good source of substantial information on small family foundations.”
“Since many family foundations do not have a website, it is great to have a tool to find more information about them”
“I absolutely love the “inside” information which Steve provides and I’ve found this workshop so beneficial in my role.”
“Steve’s personal research and relationships with many of these funders is so valuable.”