Judy Dayton, the grand dame of arts philanthropy in Minnesota, the last of the Great Generation of Daytons, the former governor’s aunt, and a genuinely nice lady died. Her obit.
James Hormel, heir to the Hormel fortune, the first openly gay U.S. Ambassador, a genuine LGBTQ advocate, and an enlightened philanthropist also died. His obit
Headwaters Foundation for Justice published its twenty 2021 Giving Project Grant Recipients including two of AP Charities’ sponsees, Asian American Organizing Project and Black Table Arts.
McKnight Foundation announced changes to its Arts and Culture program. More support for “culture bearers” people/groups who support arts/culture but aren’t arts and culture groups. Also expanded emphasis on giving to indigenous communities, communities of color and other underserved or underrecognized communities.
Inside Philanthropy did an interesting profile piece on the philanthropic interests of 15 heirs to the mega foundations/philanthropies, such as the Buffett, Soros, Bloomberg, and Koch kids.