From Anne E Casey Foundation
Theses are Foundation’s signature resources tracking the well-being of children over time and across states in order to provide high-quality, unbiased information and encourage action on behalf of kids and families.
From the Website:
The KIDS COUNT Data Center is an online resource that provides data on child well-being over time from the most trusted national sources and from more than 53 state- and territory-based organizations. The KIDS COUNT Data Center houses hundreds of key child and family well-being indicators and more than four million data points at the national and local levels.
The KIDS COUNT Data Book provides a detailed picture of how children are faring in the United States, ranking states on overall child well-being and domains. The Data Book also contains key indicators covering economic well-being, education, health and family and community. Each year, the release of the Data Book generates significant media attention and a unique opportunity to discuss ways of improving the lives of children and families.